Friday, February 8, 2008

The Red Pot

From the sketchbook

A little inspiration for those who look for "exciting" color, not just what the camera would report.


  1. Michele,
    Hot! the tomatoes are so juicy and fresh - your pot exciting with color - what a great painting. Especially love the shadow of red bleeding into ultra make painting look so instant, fresh and easy!

  2. This is Carol W and I am trying to sign up to be able to comment on your paintings, Michelle.

  3. Thanks, Nancy, I appreciate your comments. I painted this outdoors on my deck in natural sunlight. I have never seen color and shadow as vibrant as this when painting indoors...even with great lighting.

    Carol, you did it! I look forward to your comments.

  4. Hi Michele! Thanks for the wonderful examples. They're all helpful in getting the ideas flowing! Smiles, Cindy
