Two Day Watercolor Workshop - Introduction to Watercolor
Saturday & Sunday, Feb 20 and 21, 2016
Open to new students and returning ones. No previous experience necessary. No previous class required. All materials provided for $10 per day.
What's the most fun for creative people? Making art!
After that? Sharing it!

experience the beautiful, exciting world of watercolor in a beginning
level class with other new students. Your instructor, Michele Cooper,
will lead you through two fun-filled days of making your own watercolors. Step by step, you will learn how to use your brush, mix
color and become accomplished at Michele's patented "tricks and cheating
ways" with watercolor.
This hands-on workshop presents all the basics for the first-time watercolor painter or a great review of color mixing, brushwork, and painting techniques for the out-of-practice painter. You'll learn how to set up your work area and arrange your palette. We'll discuss different types of paint, brushes, and paper. You'll get to compare student and professional grade paint, cold and hot press paper, and different types of brushes. Learn how to do dry brush, wet in wet, flat washes, and graduated washes. Discover how to mix and layer colors and how to mix a complete color wheel from just three colors. Continuous hands-on demonstrations will show techniques first hand. You may purchase your own supplies or buy all supplies from the instructor for $10 per person.
Open to new students and returning ones. Class size limited/wait list when full
Call in
(425) 822-7161, come in, or register
Venue: Kirkland Arts Center, Kirkland, WA. Skylight Room
Date: Saturday and
Sunday, February 20 and 21, 2016 - 10:00am to 4:00pm (with lunch break)
Tuition: $170
All materials provided for a materials fee of $10 per day. Take home the art you make.